Trends in 2020: Metal packaging for tea and coffee


Metal packaging for teas and coffees is one of the trends for this year 2020. Consumers are rediscovering all the charms of the famous coffee or tea cans that our grandparents already used and are beginning to understand why they chose these materials to preserve products of this type.

We find, therefore, that many brands are beginning to opt for metal containers, mainly airtight ones, for their higher quality products and find in their public a great response to this initiative.
If, as a tea or coffee manufacturer, you want your products to have the best metal containers, we invite you to talk to us and together we can create the perfect container for your product.

Customized metal packaging

One of the most important properties of tea and coffee is its aroma. It is what makes them different from each other and what gives them their value. A coffee should have an intense and pleasant aroma that makes us anticipate the enjoyment of its flavor before even preparing the cup, already when opening the package and inhaling its fragrance. And the same happens with tea.

Taste and aroma go hand in hand, so if these products lose their characteristic and appetizing smell, their taste will also be altered. That is why it is essential to keep it in the best possible conditions.

And metal cans make this possible to a much greater extent than other types of packaging, such as the typical bags, which, although they have a small aluminum coating, once opened do not maintain their characteristics as well over time. For this reason, many of our customers want their higher quality items to have a metal container to protect them.

Metal containers to better maintain their characteristics

Metal containers also make it easier for oxygen or moisture to maintain better conditions and longer taste. In this type of packaging, the temperature will also not be as altered as in plastic, for example, or paper packaging.

Humidity is one of the factors that contribute to the rapid deterioration of coffee or tea. They can even be damaged in humid environments. If the bag in which they are contained gets wet, the product will deteriorate much faster.

Even in the most humid environments, the cans will preserve to a greater extent the properties and characteristics of the product in question, in this case, teas and coffees.

Oxygen also plays an important role here. An excess of this can reduce the final quality of the product. For this reason, coffee should be stored in airtight containers. Although it is inevitable that it will enter when it is opened to be served, at least with these hermetic metal containers, it will not be in permanent contact with the atmosphere.

Attractive packaging, to encourage sales

Last but not least, it is necessary to highlight the attraction that these packages have for the consumer. The consumer will always feel more attracted to a metal package that is automatically associated with higher quality.

But, in addition, this type of packaging allows for high quality finishes that make them desirable and attractive in themselves, not only because of their content. When a consumer goes to buy a quality tea in a supermarket or a premium coffee and finds a tin can among other carton packs, he or she will be more attracted to the first one.

The drawings, the glosses and the details of this type of packaging are perfect for any client who wants to buy them, especially if he is thinking of taking the product as a gift to a host’s house.
Lovers of quality teas do not usually take into account other containers than metal ones for their infusions because they know how important they are in preserving them. In addition, this type of packaging is very decorative to place on shelves in the kitchen as part of the decoration.

For all this, metal containers for teas and coffees have become one of the trends of this year 2020 and surely, will become a habit in many homes, because once they begin to be used you do not want to return to the old formats.


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